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    Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions.
  • Contact Us
    If you have any questions or need help please contact us. We will be happy to assist you. Monday to Friday between 10am and 7pm CET, excluding the upcoming Italian Bank holidays
  • Privacy Policy
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2010 - 2000

2007: The Milanese boutique is given a new design concept and moves to Via Sant’Andrea 1.
La DoubleJ opens three boutique in Dubai.
2006: The Ekaterinburg boutique opens its doors.
2004: Federcalzature dedicates a limited edition postage stamp to La DoubleJ.

Two new boutique are opened in the city of Moscow.
2002: The Milan showroom relocates to larger premises in Via dell’Annunciata.
2000: Inauguration of the first Milan boutique in Via Sant’Andrea 15/A.