Viola Crespi

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Get intuit: How to turn on your psychic
powers with holistic therapist Viola Crespi

The days of crystal balls and dodgy neon-lit shop fronts are long gone. We all have psychic powers within us, and it’s up to us to discover, tap in and use them. But how the heck do we do it? Grazie mille to all those who joined our free psychic workshop with J.J.’s magic Milanese holistic therapist and theta healer Viola Crespi. Missed it? Keep scrolling to watch the recap and for Viola’s energy-clearing meditation to help you activate your awesome abilities.

J..J.: Ciao, Viola! First things first: what are the various types of psychic ability? Do we all have them?
Viola: We have four different kinds of psychic abilities. We have clairvoyance, the ability to see beyond what is visible. Clairaudience, which is the ability to hear. What do we hear? Our angels, our guides, our higher selves. Claircognizance, which is the ability to think clearly and achieve a deep sense of knowing. And clairsentience, which is the ability to feel and perceive. Most of us lead with one or two, but, actually, all of these abilities are already ours. It’s not paranormal, we are all born with them. The problem is we learn to shut them down.

J.J.: There is a lot of cultural and social resistance to all of this. Our societies don’t promote this as a reasonable source of information and intelligence, so we block our abilities.
Viola: We have a series of beliefs that get in the way; they determine whether our abilities are good or not and whether we give ourselves permission to use them. We don’t think about these beliefs on a rational level but they are embedded in our subconscious. For example: in our childhood we often learn, develop and grow through punishment. We therefore associate mistakes with punishment. Perhaps stepping into your abilities might mean you make mistakes, so you might not even go there to try.